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AER Memories of Old Soundtrack $0.59 Add all DLC to Cart. Reviews “AER Memories of Old is an adventure game in the truest sense. Lots of games let you explore a world, but where most focus on the reward waiting at the finish line, Aer is all about the journey.”. Version 1.0.4 Fixed an issue where the game would freeze on specific cutscenes. Fixed an issue where text would be displayed outside of the screen in German. Fixed an issue where the player would get stuck on some geometry. Fixed an issue where the player sometimes would get stuck in an infinite respawn loop. Fixed an issue where the player wouldn't be able to transform into a bird even though.

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Rebecca Sharrock is one of just 80 people worldwide with Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory. Picture: PA Real LifeSource:Press Association

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MOST of us have a few hazy memories from the first few years of our lives.

Rebecca Sharrock can recall being just 12 days old, lying on a sheepskin in the front seat of a car, staring up at the steering wheel and wondering what it was.

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The 26-year-old from Brisbane is one of 80 people worldwide with a condition called Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM), which means she remembers every moment of her life in extraordinary detail.

She even has memories from before that 12th day, but can’t date them because she was so young.

Name a random day from 20 years ago, and Rebecca can tell you what she was wearing, what the weather was like and the exact sequence of things she did and saw.


“Any day I’ve experienced, I can recall,” she told news.com.au. “If I had knowledge of calendars and dates at that time, I can date them. I can remember every birthday since my first birthday.”

She remembers being curious about the world as an infant, but not having the drive to explore.

“When I get a memory, I relive it very vividly,” she added. “I know it’s not real, but my emotions think it is.

Rebecca can remember what it was like to be a baby. Picture: PA Real LifeSource:Press Association

Rebecca, pictured left with her mother Janet and sister Jessica, recalls every birthday since her first. Picture: PA Real LifeSource:Press Association

By the age of six, Rebecca could recite every capital of the world. Picture: PA Real LifeSource:Press Association

“Anything can trigger them, I could get a smell of honeysuckle, hear a sound, or see a colour or a leaf.”

A Harry Potter fan, Rebecca has memorised every word of all seven books. In years one and two, she began reading the atlas, and could recite the capital of every country in the world.

At the age of one-and-a-half, she began having dreams — and she remembers every single one. Her first was about looking through a circular window into a room filled with oranges, a fruit she loved as a child.

Her memory isn’t photographic. Instead, she has a strong recollection of sequences, down to the smallest detail. Epubor ultimate 3 0 8 13.

But what may sound like a gift also has its downsides. While the 26-year-old loves how all her memories of Easters and Christmases flood over her on special occasions, she can just as easily find herself clearly reliving bad memories — and nightmares.

Her HSAM, also known as hypermnesia, has come along with autism, obsessive compulsive disorder and anxiety. She was bullied at school, and when the name of a girl who used to hit and tease her recently appeared on Facebook, she had several anxiety attacks that week.

When she remembers childhood injuries, she physically feels the pain all over again.

The 26-year-old, pictured age three her mother Janet and sister Jessica, feels intense pain all over again when she recalls childhood injuries. Picture: PA Real LifeSource:Press Association

Bartender 2 0 download free. She has memorised every word of the seven Harry Potter books. Picture: PA Real LifeSource:Press Association

Rebecca was also abused as a child, and suffered post-traumatic stress disorder from her vivid recollections of the ordeal. https://downxup808.weebly.com/windows-mac-hdd.html.

She didn’t do especially well at school, struggling with processing information. “My short-term memory is poor,” she said. “When it becomes long term (after a few months), it stays forever.”

Her family always knew she was unusual, but it was only in 2011 that her mother, Janet, read about HSAM and got in touch with researchers in California.

The mother and daughter flew to US and Rebecca was diagnosed, aged 21. “That’s when I knew the whole picture,” she said.

She has since taken part in several studies, and is learning grounding exercises that help her bring her mind back to the present — such as meditation and sniffing essentials oils to recall particular memories. Jasmine reminds her of end of school parties, when the plant would be flowering.

Rebecca now spends time updating her blog, maintaining a Facebook page and giving talks to psychologists about her condition.

There are advantages. “It’s a really good technique to tell if I’m being lied to,” she said. “Autistic people typically can’t read body language, but if the story changes over time, I can pick out if it’s a lie.

“I can understand with a child or baby why they’re upset. I know how to deal with it from my experience.”

Rebecca was diagnosed with her rare condition at the age of 21. Picture: PA Real LifeSource:Press Association

She is learning to block out negative memories, having had PTSD from vividly recalling bad times. Picture: PA Real LifeSource:Press Association

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